Buy the stylish handmade sunglasses online
Concept of sunglasses is far more recent than even some historians will admit. Tracing the earliest is fraught with difficulties of definition and function. The word itself appears to be of very late 19th-century origin. Although the manufacturers of sunglasses might like to pretend otherwise, the fact is that handmade sunglasses (as opposed to prescription spectacles) have a very short history and even the current burgeoning market for sun eyewear has scarcely been design-led. Now you can buy these handmade sunglasses online , through the Wild Wood Me. Attempts to place the origin of sunglasses in earlier centuries, or even as far back as the ancient world, have foundered on a technical misunderstanding of the function of tinted lenses which may serve various protective, ceremonial, industrial and therapeutic roles. The very word ‘sunglasses’ is still not afforded a separate definition in the Oxford English Dictionary and it is to related phrases such as ‘sun lenses’ that we...